The Devver Blog

A Boulder startup improving the way developers work.

Archive for February 2010

Announcing Gemcutter/Caliper integration

We’re extremely happy to announce that Caliper is now generating metrics for all gems pushed to Gemcutter!

By taking advantage of the new webhooks feature in Gemcutter, Caliper is alerted whenever a new version of a gem is pushed. At that point, we automatically generate metrics. In addition, every gem page on Gemcutter now features a ‘Metrics’ link to the Caliper metrics.


We’re thrilled to be generating metrics for so many great Ruby projects. As always, please send us feedback about how we can improve Caliper!

For more details on webhooks, check out the Changelog screencast by Nick Quaranto.

Many, many thanks to Nick Quaranto, Chad Fowler, and all the other supremely awesome Gemcutter contributors!

Written by Ben

February 2, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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